The Monarch Butterfly's Mulit-generational Migration and the Bicycling Biologist Sara Dykman
Monarch Butterfly’s Multi-generational Migration
It’s March 2017, in the volcanic mountains of central
Mexico. Millions of monarch butterflies cling to the branches and trunks of the
towering Oyamel pine trees. These butterflies are about to begin an amazing
journey. Sara Dykman, a biologist and founder of Beyond A Book is migrating with them—on a bicycle! Sara and four generations of monarchs will travel approximately
10,000 miles from Mexico, across the USA to Canada, and back again in nine
and Measures
Sara feels a kinship with the monarchs by bicycling.
She’s using her legs to pedal while the butterflies use their wings to fly. With
all of Sara’s luggage—tent, sleeping bag, camera, computer, phone, clothes, toothbrush,
stove, pocket knife, tools, and more—her bike weighs about 32kg (32000 grams). A monarch weighs up to 0.75 grams and they don’t
carry any luggage.
Sara knew it was time to leave when millions of
orange wings filled the blue canvas of sky.
As the monarchs soared overhead, Sara tried to keep up, but the monarchs
outpaced her and reached the Southern USA first. The monarchs are looking for milkweed, the only
plant they can lay their eggs on. Monarch caterpillars eat the natural toxins present
in milkweed, which makes them poisonous to predators. The bright colors of monarch
caterpillars and the adult butterflies are an advertisement: “Stay away! We’ll
make you sick.” Monarch caterpillars shed their skin as they grow. The
last time a monarch sheds, it forms a hard casing called a chrysalis. The
children of the Mexican monarchs are called Generation 1. While Generation
1 matures from eggs, to caterpillars, to butterflies, Sara leap-frogs ahead of
them on her bike.
After 40-50 days, Generation 1 unfolds their newly
minted wings and head north. They begin to pass Sara. On rainy days the
monarchs can’t fly, but Sara pedals rain or shine. Wind blows the monarchs off
course and slows Sara down. Sometimes Sara is in the lead and sometimes the
monarchs are, but they’re all headed north. Searching out milkweed, the
monarchs lay eggs for the next generation of butterflies in this relay-race
Next Generation
Generation 2 are the children of Generation 1, and the grandchildren of the Mexican monarchs that Sara began her journey with. Monarchs used to number in the billions, but scientists have noticed that monarch numbers are decreasing rapidly. Their single biggest threat is the loss of native milkweed. Fields of corn and wheat have pushed the milkweed to the narrow edges of fields. Without milkweed, fewer caterpillars are hatched each year and fewer make it back to the wintering grounds in Mexico.
Generation Flies South
In the fall as the days begin to shorten, the monarchs hatched in Canada and the Northern USA don’t fully mature. They delay egg-laying, and put all their energy into flying south to Mexico! As the monarchs travel south, they cluster together in trees at night to sleep. Sara sets up her tent and cocoons herself in her sleeping bag as the temperature drops. Gardeners in Canada, the USA, and Mexico have planted flower way-stations so monarchs can fatten up for the miles ahead. Sara has her own way-stations; people invite her into their homes and schools to learn about the monarch migration. Sara uses maps to plan her route. Scientists aren’t sure how monarchs navigate. They probably use the sun and Earth’s magnetic field, but there may be other cues that we’re not aware of yet. We know the routes monarchs use to travel south because of citizen scientists, who tag and release monarchs. The first person to tag a butterfly was Dr. Fred Urquhart of the University of Toronto. As a kid, Fred wondered where the monarchs he saw in Canada went in the fall. It took him 40 years to locate one of his northern tagged butterflies in Mexico!
Delicate wings shimmer like shards of stained-glass
in the sunlight. The monarchs have arrived in Mexico! Sara, the park guides, tourists and scientists
are all here to welcome them.These monarchs traveled over 3,000 miles to the very
same trees their great-great-grandparents overwintered. How did they find their
way? It’s a mystery waiting to be solved! With luck, these mighty monarchs will take to the
skies in March to begin this amazing multi-generational migration once again.
How you can help monarchs? Plant milkweed and flowers for butterflies at school
or at home, learn to tag and release monarchs through Monarch Watch
Biology and research on monarchs:
Track the monarchs’ migration:
Find Sara Dykman
tells the story of how Dr. Urquhart solved the mystery of the great monarch
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